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European Week for Waste Reduction

The European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR) is a initiative to raise awareness about sustainable resource management and waste prevention.

Do you want to know what we are doing?

A new bin, are you in?

Give your food a second chance!

Within the Sudoe space, each individual generates 136 kg of organic waste per year. This includes food waste.  

A very simple way to reduce this amount of waste is to plan meals, adjusting them to the taste and appetite we have at the time. Out of home, we can avoid throwing food away by asking for a wrap for what we don’t eat from our plate.

So the big question before using the brown bin is: Can I give to my food a second chance? If so, go for it!

Down the toilet, just toilet paper!

Water always returns to nature. If you contaminate it, this has consequences. Incorrect toilet use causes, among other things, clogged sewers and wastewater treatment plants or the degradation of the oceans’ richness.

Don’t forget: it’s not a waste bin, just throw away the toilet paper.

Repeat: the toilet is not a rubbish bin

Wet wipes, cotton buds, band-aids… Where do you throw it away?

Every day we generate a lot of waste when we use the bathroom. And this waste should be disposed of in the appropriate waste bin, never in the toilet.

Reduce, reuse and recycle...
Also from childhood

We raise young people’s awareness of waste prevention!

We carry out presence and online activities in schools to raise awareness of the importance of reducing, reusing and recycling.

Do you want to participate? Fill in the form to request information and we will get back to you.

We're not done yet!

After the European Week for Waste Reduction, the care for the planet continues!

Here we will share images of the different activities we have developed to promote the correct use of the brown bin. Follow us and you can see how our campaign is gaining presence in the public space!   


Do you belong to an educational institution? Do you want to make your students aware of the importance of protecting the environment? Are you interested in asking us to do an activity in your centre?


Ask us for more information!